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Analysis of LED street light development direction
I. LED street light management situation
a. For the moment, the main body in charge of LED street light management and maintenance in China is street light management department, which superior department is municipal bureau.
b. management cost for LED street light is divided into two parts: electricity bill and maintenance

II. LED street light replacement project – EMC mode
a. What is EMC mode.
EMC, also known as Energy Management Contract, growing up in 1970s form western countries, is a new-type energy conservation mechanism based on marketing operation. This mechanism is EMC Companies deliver a holistic plan and services required including energy audit, project design, project construction and other whole sets of services to achieve energy efficiency and conservation for our customers. They returned their investment and profits from energy conservation.
b. Adopt LED street light
In domestic EMC project, LED fixtures manufacturers as energy management and investment provider instead of professional energy management contractor offer a series of services.
c. Key points of EMC replacement project
1. Collect specific data
2. Choose fixture or sort illuminance by national standard .
3. Shoulder some-year warranty.
4. Cost management
III. Profit growth point of EMC model
a. Take the authority of LED street light maintenance project, even though returning this to LED street light management, and there are enough profits there.
b. Get the ownership of Ads. Try to achieve growth point of these ads management.
a. For the moment, the main body in charge of LED street light management and maintenance in China is street light management department, which superior department is municipal bureau.
b. management cost for LED street light is divided into two parts: electricity bill and maintenance

II. LED street light replacement project – EMC mode
a. What is EMC mode.
EMC, also known as Energy Management Contract, growing up in 1970s form western countries, is a new-type energy conservation mechanism based on marketing operation. This mechanism is EMC Companies deliver a holistic plan and services required including energy audit, project design, project construction and other whole sets of services to achieve energy efficiency and conservation for our customers. They returned their investment and profits from energy conservation.
b. Adopt LED street light
In domestic EMC project, LED fixtures manufacturers as energy management and investment provider instead of professional energy management contractor offer a series of services.
c. Key points of EMC replacement project
1. Collect specific data
2. Choose fixture or sort illuminance by national standard .
3. Shoulder some-year warranty.
4. Cost management
III. Profit growth point of EMC model
a. Take the authority of LED street light maintenance project, even though returning this to LED street light management, and there are enough profits there.
b. Get the ownership of Ads. Try to achieve growth point of these ads management.